
Welcome to The Greatest Thing Ever! Launch Team

Learn All the Details from Creator Butch Hartman

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Pair text with an icon to focus on your chosen product, collection or piece of news. Add details on shipping and return conditions, product availability, care instructions, matching colors and accessories.

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Pair text with an icon to focus on your chosen product, collection or piece of news. Add details on shipping and return conditions, product availability, care instructions, matching colors and accessories.

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Pair text with an icon to focus on your chosen product, collection or piece of news. Add details on shipping and return conditions, product availability, care instructions, matching colors and accessories.

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Pair text with an icon to focus on your chosen product, collection or piece of news. Add details on shipping and return conditions, product availability, care instructions, matching colors and accessories.

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Pair text with an icon to focus on your chosen product, collection or piece of news. Add details on shipping and return conditions, product availability, care instructions, matching colors and accessories.

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Pair text with an icon to focus on your chosen product, collection or piece of news. Add details on shipping and return conditions, product availability, care instructions, matching colors and accessories.

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Each Month You Will Receive…

Exclusive access to new episodes, related activities, local events, messages from the creator, Butch Hartman and so much more. Every month we will send you a clip of the episode of the month as well as the lesson and activities designed for you to interact with your children and dig deeper into God’s Word with Lenny and Lucy. All for free!

The Garden Cartoon
Lenny and Lucy are looking forward to seeing you at the movies!!